"Spirto 6"
Music score for mixed choir, including extended vocal techniques & soundpainting, dedicated to "De 2de Adem" & Maarten Van Ingelgem.
Music sheet: www.Euprint.be
Author: Blake, W. & Irma Bilbao.
Additional information: SPIRTO 6 - IRMA BILBAO For mixed choir with E.V.T ( Extended Vocal Techniques)
Music sheet: www.Euprint.be
Author: Blake, W. & Irma Bilbao.
Additional information: SPIRTO 6 - IRMA BILBAO For mixed choir with E.V.T ( Extended Vocal Techniques)

New released CD box - 3 CDs Trilogy bow Children of the Ancient Tree by Carl Deseyn.
My participation as Françoise Vanhecke: soprano, ISFV® singer, improvisator & composer (Irma Bilbao) for the following songs:
- CD1 : 'Voyage to the Ancestor' : Een voorvader van de Oude Esdoorn zendt zijn zaden noordwaarts, na de laatste ijstijd.
- Nr 3: Fertilization Accomplished
- Nr 6: Seed Harvesting Whirlwinds
- Nr 8: Finding Soil
- Nr 9: Germination (Taking Root) - vocal line composed by Irma Bilbao performed by Françoise Vanhecke: ISFV® Inhaling singer, Improvisator
- Nr10: First day in the Sun (Hello World)
- CD2 : 'Cycles of Life' : dag en nacht, de 4 seizoenen, de ijstijden: alles is een cyclus.
- Nr 2: 12 o’ clock (Vangelis)
- Nr 3: Salvation: vocal line composed by Irma Bilbao performed by Françoise Vanhecke: ISFV® Inhaling singer, Improvisator
- Nr 6: Whirlwinds (Live)
- CD3 : 'Children of the Ancient Tree' : de kinderen van de Oude Boom worden, na vele eeuwen land- en roofbouw, voor het eerst gered uit de nietsontziende klauwen van de mens.
- Nr 11: L’arbre: vocal line composed by Irma Bilbao
- Nr 12: Waiting for the Sea (composed by Ima Bilbao) Françoise Vanhecke : keyboard, ocean drum & soprano, ISFV® Singer, improvisator
Release of my album "A Journey Into The Universe".
See also: streekgenoot.
"A Journey Into The Universe" is only available as a physical copy (cdr) via the contact details on this website.his website.
My Presentation for NOVA FIARI: EP 6 - The impact of ISFV® Inhaling Singing, a new extended technique by dr. Françoise Vanhecke
Fédération Internationale de l’Art Révolutionnaire Indépendant (You Tube Channel)
Fédération Internationale de l’Art Révolutionnaire Indépendant (You Tube Channel)
Acoustical properties in inhaling singing: A case-study (Publication on Sciencedirect)
Dissertation of the PhD, with as subject "Inhaling Singing, a new extended vocal technique"
Various publications related to the PhD research
4th publication the Journal of Voice
Dissertation of the PhD, with as subject "Inhaling Singing, a new extended vocal technique"
Various publications related to the PhD research
4th publication the Journal of Voice
"Vocal tract morphology in inhaling singing/ An MRI-based study" available in library UGent.
"Physiology and acoustics of inspiratory phonation" available in library UGent.