New compositions with ISFV
- 2020: New release of "Déluges et autres péripéties" on the CD "Illusion" by Annette Vande Gorne. This work will be implemented with my special Inhaling Singing technique.
- 'Nur zwei Dinge’ (2013) from Klaus Burger. Originally for voice and piano. The voice and piano is performed by Françoise Vanhecke. The viola by Dominica Eyckmans.
- Déluges et autres péripéties (2014-2015). Compositeur: Annette Vande Gorne Auteur: Werner Lambersy Commande: Françoise Vanhecke, Inhaling Singer.
Page 8 to 10:Déluges: Prélude, Versets 1 `a 7 13:30 (2015)
- Application of ISFV in Music theatre: TRISTESSES by Anne-Cécile Vandalem
see credits: Das Fräulein Kompanie and Production Tristesses: Le Cerceuil (Video).
- Smile (2014) for voice ISFV® and alto from Irma Bilbao is a creation dedicated to Dominica Eyckmans. This mini music theatrical work is a link to the childhood of humanity. The child itself, and the child in us and also the senility. Themes as madness, psychoanalysis, respect, revolt, passion, humour are implemented. The colours yellow, blue and red are especially chosen and linked to every melody and singing style of the ISFV ® which has also is own notation. (World creation 24/9/2014 at Logosfoundation in Ghent.)
- Spirto 3 (2014) for voice, piano, alto, percussion (bongo or Ocean drum or…) and torch. Text: William Blake & Irma Bilbao. Dedicated to Dominica Eyckmans. Belgium creation 24/9/2014 at Logosfoundation in Ghent
- Little but... : 2013 . T&M: Irma Bilbao. Including the first notations made especially for ISFV, Inhaling Singing by Françoise for voice (ISFV), Mini Dan Trung (bamboo xylophone), piano or + ad libitum strings such as cello, contrabass, basson, (bass)clarinet, bass-flute or robot (f.e. Klar, Horni, Fa, Heli, Bono) and laughtersack. First performance by Françoise Vanhecke and Katrijn Friant in December 2013. Click here for the music score.
- Triticus Arscotiensis (2013) for Voice and Robot Orchestra by Sebastian Bradt, text: Alla Bandiera Rossa by Pier Paolo Pasolini for Voice and Robot Orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes. Composed for Françoise Vanhecke implementing ISFV.
- RR (2013) by Moniek Darge and Françoise Vanhecke with Robot Orchestra by Godfried-Willem Raes.
- Flexavoice (2013) for Voice & Flexatone by Irma Bilbao, first composition by Irma Bilbao especially composed with extended vocal techniques including ISFV (2013).
- Question Marks, performance (2013) by Moniek Darge and Françoise Vanhecke.