Dark Hz' for Soprano and Electronics.
Review: Journal Gonzo Circus. Text by Patsker Omaer Beguin:
Dark Hz ("Dark Herz") is a composition by Willy Van Buggenhout specially written for AntennA2020 - The work was inspired by the "Chant IOA" by André Stordeur (this was realized in 1981 for the IRCAM-Paris).
"Dark Hz" - commemorates those days when the multitude of simultaneous oscillators was experienced as an unseen advantage.
Dark Hz is composed for 56 digital oscillators, each of which must strictly follow their programmed course and which are individually characterized by the relationship between the fundamental and overtones - Just like 56 different musical instruments with their own timbre.
As individuals, each with their own course of life.
The playing consists of navigating through these “oscillator lifelines".
So that the composition will sound slightly different by each performance.
The frequencies used were inspired by Chacra resonances and measurements in physics as the frequencies of light in a rainbow - and the six basic tones from 'Das Dunkle Herz' by Anton Webern.
"Dark Hz" - commemorates those days when the multitude of simultaneous oscillators was experienced as an unseen advantage.
Dark Hz is composed for 56 digital oscillators, each of which must strictly follow their programmed course and which are individually characterized by the relationship between the fundamental and overtones - Just like 56 different musical instruments with their own timbre.
As individuals, each with their own course of life.
The playing consists of navigating through these “oscillator lifelines".
So that the composition will sound slightly different by each performance.
The frequencies used were inspired by Chacra resonances and measurements in physics as the frequencies of light in a rainbow - and the six basic tones from 'Das Dunkle Herz' by Anton Webern.
Central stands the soprano - the ‘bridge’ connecting the sound traffic- the human voice of Dr. Françoise Vanhecke (Soprano / ISFV® Inhaling Singer) versus digital fabric.
The voice-score that does not form a binding guideline, but a clear starting point from which improvisation can be made. Dr. Françoise Vanhecke can hereby use her new developed extended vocal technique: ISFV® Inhaling Singing on which she obtained her PhD and doctoral degree.
The voice-score that does not form a binding guideline, but a clear starting point from which improvisation can be made. Dr. Françoise Vanhecke can hereby use her new developed extended vocal technique: ISFV® Inhaling Singing on which she obtained her PhD and doctoral degree.
Facebook comment by JACKY bakerman De Reviere "This was outstanding!":
"De tweede sessie, met Willy Van Buggenhout (ook al een oud leerling van Stordeur) en Françoise Vanhecke (ook gekend als Irma Bilbao), zocht meer de kosmische sferen op. Van Buggenhout schudde bizarre soundscapes uit zijn tool box die verenigd werden met de experimentele en inhalerende keelklanken van de sopraan zangeres. Françoise Vanhecke toonde zich als een levende synthesizer met haar onaardse vocalen. Van een klein kippenvelmoment gesproken"